Course Information

Course Overview

The training course will cover the full spectrum of real-world exposure science techniques ranging from the technical aspects of wearable sensor technology to public engagement and participation. Content will be delivered by experts in the field, drawing on their experience of designing and delivering studies across the world to diverse objectives.

Teaching methods will be varied and include lectures, case studies, demonstrations, practical, interactive workshops, guided fieldtrips, and hands-on independent monitoring sessions. The course will equip attendees with knowledge, skills and confidence in the use of wearable technologies for environmental sensing, thereby establishing a new cohort of exposure scientists in this rapidly evolving field.

The host institution - Environmental Research Group, Imperial College London (ICL) - is internationally recognised as a leader in air pollution exposure science. We have in-depth knowledge and many years of experience devising, conducting, and delivering high impact personal exposure research and engagement projects using wearable air quality sensors, many of which were/are funded by NERC. We have access to large numbers of sensors (both state-of-art and lower-cost), access to analytical software, skills in result interpretation and extensive experience in organising training activities.

Training will focus on both ‘theory and practice’ – we will create opportunity (e.g. group workshops, Mayor's Run award) for attendees to apply the knowledge gained, evaluate and feedback in their monitoring sessions. This short course was designed following Bloom’s taxonomy - attendees will start with remembering and understand wearable sensors, applying the learned knowledge by implementing a designed study, analyse the collected data with guidance, evaluate the learning via Mayor's Run and create new perspectives by working collaboratively. This training focuses on the higher end – analysing, evaluating and creating new knowledge.

Course Aims

This short course will provide attendees with the theory and practice of using wearable sensors for environmental research, including experience of utilising wearable sensors in the real-world. At the end of the training, participants will be able to:

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